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Hoag J.C, Zierke.  0.  Wetland plant fact sheet.   UNDHOA01IDUS
Holte C.  Submitted.  No description.  Holte, Carl.   UNDHOL03IDUS
Howard R., Steenhof K..  Submitted.  Bald eagle nesting survey of northern Idaho.   UNDHOW01IDUS
Howell D.J.  0.  Wildife biologists considering winter surveys for bats.   UNDHOW03IDUS
Huntley J.L.  0.  Freshwater bivalve Mollusca as a dietary adjunce for prehistoric inhabitants of the middle Snake River region of southwest Idaho.   UNDHUN01IDUS
Hurd M.  Submitted.  No description.  Hurd, Mering.   UNDHUR01IDUS
Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Fernan Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Fernan Ranger District..   UNDIDA05IDUS
Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Priest Lake Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Priest Lake Ranger District..   UNDIDA07IDUS
Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Avery Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Avery Ranger District..   UNDIDA08IDUS
Idaho Panhandle National Forests.  Submitted.  No description.  Idaho Panhandle National Forests..   UNDIDA12IDUS
Idaho Conservation Data Center.  Submitted.  Manual sightings files.   UNDIDC01IDUS
Idaho Department of Public Lands.  0.  Idaho forests and lands for many uses.   UNDIDL01IDUS
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  In Press.  Idaho Bird Inventory and Survey (IBIS) - Colonial Waterbird Survey Data.   UNDIFG01IDUS
Idaho Gap Analysis.  0.  Wildlife habitat relationship model review information; Review Binder.   UNDIGA01IDUS
Idaho Native Plant Society.  0.  The principles of xeriscape.   UNDINP01IDUS
Idaho Museum of Natural History.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  Idaho Museum of Natural History, Idaho State University. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..   UNDISU01IDUS
Jeppson R.J, Holte K.E.  1978.  Flora of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site.   UNDJEP01IDUS
Johnson D..  0.  Notes from Don Johnson which Earl Larrison and Johnson used when writing the wolverine account in their book Mammals of Idaho.   UNDJOH01IDUS
Johnson C.A.  0.  An endangered plant's (Mirabilis macfarlanei) response to cattle grazing and protection from grazing, and other ecological effects.  Johnson, C. A. No date. An endangered plant's (Mirabilis macfarlanei) response to cattle grazing and protection from grazing, and other ecological effects. Bureau of Land Management, Coeur d'Alene District, Cottonwood, ID. 31 pp..   UNDJOH02IDUS
Jones DS.  0.  Vegetation measurement methods comparison.    Available from UNDJON01IDUS
Kendall K.C, Metzgar L.H, Patterson D.A, Steele B.M.  1992.  Power of sign surveys to monitor population trend.   UNDKEN01IDUS
Knick ST.  0.  A geographical information systems (GIS) database for sage grouse and shrubsteppe management in the Intermountain West.   UNDKNI01IDUS
Kochert M.N.  0.  Responses of raptors to livestock grazing in the western United States.   UNDKOC01IDUS
Kruegar E..  0.  hecklist of wetland plants of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation.   UNDKRU01IDUS
University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.–Superseded by U09KUX01IDUS–.   UNDKUX01IDUS